The Sidney Prize
The sidney prize is an award that is presented to individuals or organizations whose efforts are considered to be of great value to society. The award is named after Sir Sydney Cox, a prominent English teacher and writer who was an advocate of the social sciences and humanities in schools.
The prize is awarded annually to a student who produces a work of exceptional quality in the form of a Honours thesis within the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney. It is awarded on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department and the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coordinators. It is funded by the Lucy Firth bequest.
In announcing this year’s winner, the committee noted that “the winner’s submission, ‘Who Rattles the Night?,’ was an eerily persuasive exploration of the effects of colonisation and the uneasy relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. The story resonated strongly with the judges.”
The winners of the sidney prize will be announced at a ceremony on Friday, June 15. Winners will receive a $10,000 cheque, and a framed photo of the city skyline.
Winners will be notified by phone or email, and will be required to provide their bank account number for verification. If a winner is unable to verify their bank account information, the prize will be forfeited and reinvested in future prizes.
SFCU reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this giveaway, including prize amounts, without prior notice. SFCU may also disqualify any entry or entries that are fraudulent, void, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, incomprehensible, erroneous or otherwise not in compliance with these Official Rules and regulations.
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*You must be an SFCU member to be eligible for this giveaway. Members can enter by submitting an official prize claim form and the appropriate supporting documentation by 5/1/2024.
**SFCU is not responsible for any taxes that may be incurred on winning the prize. Winners will be issued a 1099 tax form for the prize amount.
The Sidney Hook Memorial Prize, established in 1991, honors national distinction in scholarship, undergraduate teaching and leadership in the cause of liberal arts education. The winner is recognized at the Society’s Triennial Council Meeting. Nominations are solicited each spring and the call for nominations is published in the Key Reporter, General Newsletter and in social media.
Sidney Price is a pre-made Sim that appears in various trailers, renders and promotional screenshots of The Sims 4. He lives in Copperdale, the world that shipped with The Sims 4: High School Years, along with his family and friends Janae Price, Marcel Price, Savannah Price, Jayden Price and Kevin Puri. He is a cheerleader at school, has both men and women as his Mess Around and Romance preferences, and is bisexual. He is acquainted with Noah Kane and is shown to have a crush on Liam Beckett in the game trailers. He is also known to be a fan of the band Fall Out Boy.